西雅图 Pacific Seminary

Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies (GCCS)

Defining Theological Education Through Academy, Abbey, and Apostolate

基督教研究研究生证书课程使您了解基督教的形成和职业, 以及在21世纪培育持续的门徒生活和使命的实践. As you pursue the GCCS, 你将面临挑战,通过在课堂和社区中的反思和辨别,亲自应用这种理解.


  • check mark icon Upcoming Application Deadline 5/1/2024 for Summer Session
  • check mark icon 认证

    Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological 学校 (ATS)

  • check mark icon Minimum Time to Completion One year full time, or over several years of part-time study
  • check mark icon 格式

    On campus, with weeklong intensive at 凯西军营 on Whidbey Island

  • check mark icon Credits to Graduate 25个最低

Program Overview


The GCCS program is designed for lay people, and enables you to develop the knowledge base, 技能组合, 以及理解基督教信仰所需的多元文化敏感性,并在一个充满伤害的世界中将其付诸忠实而有效的实践.

你是否有兴趣加深你对基督教信仰的理解,并反思职业和事工的问题, or you are considering entering full-time professional Christian service, the flexibility of the program will work well for you.

In this program, you will experience rich opportunities for worship, 奖学金, 以及在SPU的福音卫斯理传统背景下的个人属灵成长.


  • The program is highly flexible. 你可以在一年的全日制学习中完成所需的25个学分,也可以在几年的兼职学习中完成.
  • 你 can also select from a wide variety of courses. 你是否有兴趣加深你对基督教信仰的理解,并反思职业和事工的问题, or you are considering entering full-time professional Christian service, the flexibility of the program will work well for you.
  • If you subsequently enroll in a Seminary degree program, credits you earn in the GCCS program are usually transferable.



To earn a Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies, 你必须被课程录取,并完成下面列出的25个学分.

Required courses


  • THEO 6001 Christian 格式ion in Discipleship: Acts of Piety (2)
  • THEO 6002 Christian 格式ion in Mission: Acts of Mercy and Justice (2)
  • THEO 6720 Vocational Discernment and Discipleship (3)

Recommended courses

证书学生被强烈鼓励在三个三门课程的“学术核心”序列中至少选修一门课程(圣经, Global Christian Heritage, and Theology/Ethics), and also three credits of Graduate Core Practicum (12 credits total):


  • THEO 6010圣经1:解释和教导基督教圣经”(THEO 6040的先决条件), 西奥6070, and all post-core Bible classes.)
  • THEO 6040 Bible 2: Introduction to Old Testament
  • 西奥6070 Bible 3: Introduction to New Testament

Global Christian Heritage (GCH) (3 credits)

  • THEO 6020 Global Christian Heritage 1: AD 100–AD 1500
  • THEO 6050 Global Christian Heritage 2: AD 1500–AD 1900
  • THEO 6080 Global Christian Heritage 3: AD 1900–present

Theology/Ethics (T/E) (3 credits)

  • THEO 6030 Theology/Ethics 1: Doctrine of God and Environmental Stewardship
  • THEO 6060 Theology/Ethics 2: Doctrine of Christ and Holistic Discipleship
  • THEO 6090神学/伦理学3:圣灵和全球教会的教义

Graduate Core Practicum (3 credits)

  • THEO 6930 Graduate Core Practicum (3)




2019–20 学费 and Fees




$14,200 minimum

$50; $100

application fee; one-time matriculation fee

See additional fee details.



All tuition, fees, and other charges stated here are payable in U.S. 美元(美元).

In addition to direct instructional costs, 西雅图太平洋神学院的神学硕士学费包括学术和学生支持服务. Other benefits include use of athletic facilities (e.g.(健身房、更衣室和健身室)、SPU图书馆和Kingswood House.

奖学金 and financial aid

奖学金和其他经济援助提供给新入学的学生和继续学生. For eligibility requirements, download the SPS Scholarship application. 要申请奖学金,你应该在3月31日截止日期之前完成申请. 奖学金 will be distributed evenly across the Autumn, 冬天, and Spring quarters of the academic year for which a scholarship is awarded.


Application Info

应用ing to 西雅图 Pacific Seminary 

Admission to 西雅图 Pacific Seminary is a two-way process of discernment. 你, 申请人, 必须决定SPS是否提供适合你职业目标的神学教育和属灵培育. 你 do so by studying our promotional materials, by visiting campus (if possible), by talking with our faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, by praying for God’s guidance, and by consulting with trusted spiritual advisors. 相反, SPS招生委员会必须确定你是否在精神上和学术上准备好在赌博十大靠谱软件的一个项目中取得成功. 赌博十大靠谱软件通过仔细和虔诚地研究你的申请材料,并评估你的礼物如何, 美惠三女神, and sense of vocation fit with the mission and ethos of the Seminary. 赌博十大靠谱软件接纳能与耶稣基督建立活泼关系的男女, a commitment to the proclamation of the reign of God, an ability to succeed academically in master’s level work, 在情感上和精神上都准备好接受研究生神学学习.

要被考虑进入神学硕士课程,你必须 在线申请. 在你所选择的项目的录取过程中,找到你需要的帮助 Graduate 招生

If you are an international student, 也可参考 International Graduate Students information about additional admission requirements. 

In addition to fulfilling general SPU graduate admissions requirements, you will provide these items specific to 西雅图 Pacific Seminary:

A typed, three- to four-page personal statement, including:

  • 你r career objectives.
  • A narrative of your personal Christian experience. In your personal statement, you may consider reflecting on those people (e.g., parents, pastors, friends, teachers), institutions (e.g., schools, congregations, ministries), and/or “mountaintop experiences” (e.g., 撤退, 会议, 改变人生的对话)对你的属灵成长影响最大.
  • 你r rationale for seeking the degree and choosing 西雅图 Pacific Seminary.
  • Other insights you deem appropriate.

Two letters of recommendation

(Forms are downloadable from the application page or available from Graduate 招生.)

We ask you to secure letters of recommendation from two persons, both of whom know you well, but in different capacities, 因此,他们可以从不同的方面谈谈你们为研究生神学教育的挑战所做的准备.

  1. Spiritual/emotional preparedness: This letter should be from a pastor, church 工作人员 person, 牧师, parachurch professional, 青年领袖, Bible study leader or college religion professor. It should describe the depth of your Christian faith, as evidenced by the way you live your life, serve your neighbors, 并参与基督教社区(当地教会)的事工, parachurch organization, 教堂的程序, 等.).
  2. Academic Preparedness: 这封信应该是一位熟悉你的学术工作的前大学教授写的,他可以描述你的求知欲和研究技能, 写作, critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management. If you cannot secure a letter from a former professor, 由雇主或经理出具的能解决这些问题的信函,经神学院教务长(lcsholmes@ewepub.com); in such cases, an interview may be required. 您可以通过电子邮件请求允许提交另一份推荐信 seminary@ewepub.com.

Transfer credits

如果你想申请在地区认可的大学或ats认可的神学院或神学院完成的研究生水平的课程,以获得神学硕士学位, you must provide official transcript(s) and, 在某些情况下, course syllabi. 你 may transfer up to 27 quarter credits from other graduate programs. To receive transfer credit:

  • Each course must be at least 3 graduate-quarter credits and be equivalent to courses taught in the 西雅图 Pacific Seminary.
  • Each course will be considered on a case-by-case basis as to the fulfillment of specific curricular requirements.
  • A minimum grade of B will be needed for transferred work.
  • All courses applied toward the graduate degree must be taken within seven years of admission.
  • In all cases, the final 27 MA in Theology credits must be taken at SPU.

Application deadlines

Students can apply to 西雅图 Pacific Seminary to begin Autumn, 冬天, and Spring quarters, and to begin during Summer Sessions, though most students choose to begin their program in Autumn Quarter.

  • Autumn Quarter7月31日
  • 冬季季11月15日
  • Spring Quarter2月15日
  • Summer Sessions: 5月1日

Non-degree students


  • 拥有地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位.
  • Fill out a short application form with the 西雅图 Pacific Seminary office.
  • 获得神学院院长或副院长的许可.

Contact the 西雅图 Pacific Seminary at seminary@ewepub.com or 206-281-2342 for more information.


Certificate Opportunities

Certificate Opportunities

基督教研究研究生证书(GCCS)是为外行设计的. Through this program, you will develop the knowledge base, 技能组合, 以及理解基督教信仰所需的多元文化敏感性,并在这个充满伤害的世界中将其付诸实践.

你是否打算加深你对基督教信仰的理解,并反思圣召和事工的问题, or you are considering entering full-time professional Christian service, the flexibility of the GCCS program will work well for you.

If you subsequently enroll in a Seminary degree program, credits you earn in the GCCS program are usually transferable.


International Students

International students

In addition to the SPU general and Seminary’s additional admission requirements for the Master of Divinity, international students must also submit:

  • An official confidential affidavit of financial support covering the first year of intended enrollment. Without this document, SPU cannot issue an I-20 immigration form.
  • Students holding undergraduate or graduate degrees from colleges, universities and/or seminaries located outside the U.S. 他们的成绩单是否需要由专业的认证机构进行评估. 在申请SPS入学之前,以及在其他地方获得的研究生学分可以应用于SPS学位之前,需要进行这样的评估.
  • If you earned an undergraduate degree in a country other than the United States, or your degree is in progress, an official course-by-course credential evaluation must be submitted from a 南汽 member-recognized credential service. Acceptable credential services include, but are not limited to, World Education Services (韦斯)和 Foundation for International Services (FIS).
  • In addition to the evaluation report, 赌博十大靠谱软件还要求提交英文的正式成绩单和文凭. 国际申请人负责与此服务相关的所有费用.
  •  English language proficiency: If you do not speak English as your first language, 你还必须提交英语作为外语考试(托福)成绩。. A minimum score of 600 on the TOFEL paper or 250 on the TOEFL-CBT, or 100 on the TOEFL-iBT is required. ACE scores will not be accepted.